

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hills Like White Elephants short story

This bizarre and seemingly vague short story by Ernest Hemingway is almost vague to the point of being a riddle. It seems like it is the readers job to decipher what the context is between these two obvious lovers. These two people, an American man and this woman obviously have a past and are discussing something of importance. Although it is not explicitly stated in the story, the first thing that came to my mind was a child or pregnancy. After viewing other posts, this is generally confirmed in that the context is in the choice of an abortion operation. This seemingly "simple" operation is being debated between the couple. They ask questions like will they both be happy after the operation. Will they still love each other? There is a need for affirmation and security. They mutually hope that this won't change much between them. And apparently they believe like an abortion is the answer, which I don't personally agree with. This odd short story consistently has many short sentences and simple diction.

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